Thursday, July 22, 2010


Horses are the bomb. no matter what you do to them, they always love you! and, ill always love them! Comment and give me some ideas about what to write about! ive been STUMPED! help! hahaha! i love horses!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

the horse of the week!: BLAZER HORSE!

The Blazer Horse is a horse breed developed back in the 1950s in northwestern United States. Tracing back to one founding stallion, this breed of horse was bred to meet demands of daily ranch work, while still being docile enough for any family member to handle. [1] Blazers are known for being versatile at any sport competition and having gentle and intelligent dispositions.

Breed History

The Blazer horse traces back to the chestnut stallion Little Blaze, who was foaled in 1959 and was bred and owned by Neil Hink, the founding father of the Blazer breed.[1] Coming from a ranch family, Neil was well aware of many horse breeds. He combined the American Quarter Horse and the Morgan Horse with blood of the American Saddlebred, and Thoroughbred to produce the strong-willed Blazer. Little Blaze himself was mainly of the Quarter and Morgan descent.

The American Blazer Horse Association was founded in 2006 for the preservation of the Blazer horse.[2] Its stud book is still open, giving the opportunity for certain Blazer horses to be inspected and approved for registration so long as one parent is a Blazer (tracing back to Little Blaze).

Breed Characteristics

Blazer horses are usually no smaller than 13 hands and no higher than 15 hands at full maturity, and it is the standard height for the registry. Their colors include black, bay and chestnut, as well as buckskin, palomino and many shades of dun. They have a refined head, bold eyes, extreme sloping of the shoulders, short backs, round croups, long hips, and have thick bone for strength and durability

Thursday, January 7, 2010


here is me and Kennah on a trail ride, it was long and fun! i love our horses!! :

here is me and cache, on our way back. heres kenah and me on our way back.